24Hr Worldwide Emergency Response

24Hr Worldwide Emergency Response

Post Incident Activities

Although not perhaps seen as urgent, Post Incident Activities remain an integral part of emergency response which can be handled by the experienced Blake Emergency Services Team.

Post Incident Activities

Although not perhaps seen as urgent, Post Incident Activities remain an integral part of emergency response which can be handled by the experienced Blake Emergency Services Team.

Victim Repatriation Services

Once the fatalities have been identified, their remains can then be repatriated according to the families’ wishes. The Blake Emergency Services Mortuary and Repatriation Teams are able to communicate sensitively with the families regarding the repatriation of their loved ones.

The Blake Emergency Services Repatriation Team appreciates and understands the cultural and religious needs of bereaved families which may influence some of the choices family members have to make.

The team is skilled and experienced at compassionately speaking with bereaved families to obtain their wishes regarding the repatriation of their loved one. We recognise the families’ wishes to have their loved one home as soon as possible. In addition, our Repatriation Team will liaise with the relevant local agencies including National Embassies and Consulates to ensure legal compliance. The repatriation of the fatalities requires detailed, complex paperwork, and can include airport customs clearance and the Blake Emergency Services Team will ensure this proceeds smoothly and without delay – so you don’t need to.

Blake Emergency Services can also arrange Memorial Services and local Burials / Cremations if required – all in line with appropriate religious and national customs in the State of Occurrence. Our main concern at such times is that the families make the decisions with our support and advice – it is crucial that families can receive their loved ones back as soon as is practically possible whilst ensuring a robust chain of custody and that all procedures are adhered to in a sensitive and caring manner.


What would seem to be a relatively simple process – the memorialisation process is often protracted involving extensive discussion and agreement with all of the bereaved families. Once the agreement from the families has been achieved for the location of the proposed memorial – we then have the process of obtaining approval for its construction.

Blake Emergency Services has extensive experience in managing this process and can offer advice and support in order to achieve the best outcome for all involved. We also have experience of livestreaming memorial events and hosting virtual memorial events in order that families unable to travel to the actual memorial event, or the subsequent anniversary events, can watch live coverage. This is just another demonstration of our compassion and commitment to the families directly involved in a mass fatality event.

Post Incident Support Action

The Blake Emergency Services Incident Response Team includes trained facilitators who are able to structure and conduct effective debriefs with the key people and groups involved in the response.

If required, Blake Emergency Services can incorporate lessons learnt into your Emergency Response Procedures.

Running facilitated debriefs
means the team is able to:

  • Analyse the information
  • Capture and summarise the lessons learned
  • Produce a meaningful report highlighting areas for improvement

Blake Emergency Service Mental Health Services

Events such as disasters, incidents, accidents, illness, pandemics, assault or abuse have the potential to leave us bewildered, shocked, numb, distressed or disoriented – to name but a few of our natural human reactions. During a crisis or trauma we can experience unfamiliar psychological, physical and emotional reactions – every person will respond differently to such an event.

At Blake Emergency Service we recognise that there is no one answer in how to deal with traumatic events – the level of support will depend on the individual. If the impact of a traumatic event is not managed effectively with appropriate, professional mental health support this can cause significant disruption to our lives and long-term mental health problems such as such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

With your approval, the support can be provided to: 

  • Those directly involved in the incident
  • The family members of those directly involved in the incident
  • Witnesses to a traumatic event or incident
  • Your responding team

Blake Emergency Service Mental Health Team

The Blake Emergency Services Mental Health Team consists of highly qualified and experienced Trauma Counsellors and Trauma Therapists. Each member of the Blake Emergency Services Mental Health Team has extensive experience in listening to and caring for people following a traumatic event.

The Team is well versed in the different techniques in dealing with trauma – including; Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Visualisation and Image Re-scripting. The key to our service is to evaluate the individual needs of each person we are dealing with – in a sensitive, empathetic and professional manner. The Mental Health Team is not only available to support our clients following a large incident, but also for smaller incidents, or to support your team on a case by case basis.


The Blake Emergency Services Incident Response Team includes trained facilitators who can structure and conduct effective debriefs with the key people and groups involved in the response. The debriefs can be held on a one-to one basis or in groups.

If required, Blake Emergency Services can manage the improvement plan on your behalf and incorporate lessons learnt into your Emergency Response Procedures.

Running facilitated debriefs means the team is able to:

  • Analyse the information
  • Capture and summarise the lessons learned
  • Produce a meaningful report highlighting areas for improvement
  • Check in on your team to see how they are coping

Business Continuity and Recovery Support

Business Continuity and Recovery is defined as the process of rebuilding and restoring an organisation to ‘normal’ following an emergency or crisis event. Recovery is a complex and long running process and should, therefore, be planned for as part of your routine emergency preparation activities.

The appropriate Business Recovery Support plan will be defined and agreed as part of our contract negotiations and can be customised to your specific needs.

We have 24 Hour Incident Response Availability, meaning we are only a phone call away.

Irrespective of when you need us, where you need us, or
what you need – we are there to assist in your time of need.

Irrespective of when you need us, where you need us, or what you need – we are there to assist in your time of need.


+44 (0) 1298 815 786

24Hr Response

+44 (0) 2071 757 172



Copyright 2024 Ⓒ Blake Emergency Services

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